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LBRuT Council Meeting Online 24 Nov 2020

Hammersmith Bridge SOS Team

Updated: Nov 28, 2020

At 7:00pm. This was a 'lively' meeting on the Borough's position on financing and outcomes for Hammersmith Bridge and gives us some interesting insights - please watch it if you can!

Item 12 on the agenda contained two motions concerning Hammersmith:

12. Notices of Motion

(a) Councillor Hodgins re Financing Of Hammersmith Bridge Works

Watch it by clicking here (link starts video at 02:07:50)

"This Council calls on the Secretary of State for Transport to specify the financial contribution amount required of Hammersmith & Fulham Council giving due consideration to the impact of local government funding in the forthcoming Comprehensive Spending Review, to enable the Hammersmith Bridge works to finally progress.”

“Council then asks that Hammersmith & Fulham Council give the Government’s request detailed consideration and a timely response."

(b) Councillor Bennett has given notice to move the following ALTERED Motion:

Watch it by clicking here (link starts video at 02:43:35)

“Council emphasises the importance of action to deal with the closure of Hammersmith Bridge.

Council believes Government:

(a) must immediately allocate £46,000,000 of funds, to avoid any hiatus in Hammersmith

Bridge ‘stabilisation’.

(b) should agree funding and on going maintenance arrangements for the bridge in order

to avoid future closure.

(c) urgently specify financial contributions required of Hammersmith & Fulham Council in

order to release further Government funding.

Council believes the Full Project should consist of 3 concurrent actions:

(1) Provision of a temporary pedestrian and cycle ferry between Barnes and Hammersmith

(2) Stabilisation of the Bridge

(3) Provision of a pedestrian and cyclist crossing between Barnes and Hammersmith

(Note from HBSOS: NOTE - no mention of vehicular traffic in part (3) which obviously caused controversy)

Prior to this, Item 9 on the Agenda - Opposition Priority Business - was Traffic & Transport in the Borough which was also really interesting

You can also watch this by clicking here (link starts video at 01:33:20)

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